Plants in the garden Our trees Pyramidal English Oak Pyramidal English Oak leaf White Oak White Oak White Oak leaf Locust Locust tree leaf Gingko Baloba Gingko Baloba Gingko Baloba leaves Tulip Tree leaf Siberian Spruce Siberian Spruce The Great White Oak Seven-Son Our Shrubs Miss Kim Lilac Golden Spirit Smokebush Smokebush in flower Smokebush leaves False Spirea False Spiraea flower Fragrant Sumac Wild Rose Ninebark in bloom Ninebark leaves Chokeberry Chokeberry leaves Tulip Tree Flowers Cutleaf Sumac Tree Tulip Tree leaf Mountain Fleece Mountain Fleece flower Snowberry Morrow's Honeysuckle Morrow's Honeysuckle berries (do not eat) Juniper Fragrant Sumac Fragrant Sumac leaves and berry Our perennial flowers Bugloss Giant Allium Giant Alliums Magic Rose Columbine Columbine Black Barlow Honey Garlic Allium Woodland Sage Solomon Seal Thyme Geranium Prickly wild rose Salvia May Knight Yarrow Russian Sage Marmalade Cone flower Orange Daylily Yellow Daylily White Daylily Blueberry Baroque Daylily Stonecrop Sedum Lavender Hidcote Blue Mountain Fleece Flower Coral bells Bloody Crane's bill Rodgersia Tabularis Hosta Sum and Substance Hosta flowers Purple Coneflower Coneflower Our grasses Silver grass Japanese Forest Grass Blue Oat Grass Feather Reed Grass 'Karl Foerster'